Sinister Sips
Each film we discuss is paired with a themed cocktail. Sometimes they help us get through our discussions of the harder to watch films.
First Impressions
Despite being horror aficionados, the films we are encountering are sometimes new to both of us. Other times, it has been a long time since we last viewed the film. Either way, we let you know what our initial takeaways and thoughts are about the film. With films we have seen before, we discuss how our perspective of the film may have changed since our last viewing.
Tropes Hall of Shame
In this category, we look at those things that we have seen over and over again in horror movies. What has been done to death? What are the things that take the suspense and originality out of the viewing experience.
These are lines from the film that stood out, either for their originality, impact, or their notability in the film.
What doesn’t hold up?
Here, we take a look at those things in the film that feel dated with a modern viewing. They may have been fresh and original at the time, but they just don’t hold up when we watch them in this day and age.
Most Gratuitous scene
For this category we are looking at those moments in the film that go too far. This could be gore or violence, but it can also be an overuse of something by the director that impacts the way the movie is viewed.
Terrifying or Titillating
As we began to move into the 1980s we definitely noticed the trend of sexualization of horror films. This category deals with whether the film does it well, but also discusses if the film itself is even scary.
Stands the Test of Time
What parts of the film feel fresh, original, or extremely well done. We are looking at things that don’t give it a dated feel, or that add to the enjoyment of the horror experience as we watch.
Eerie to Ear Splitting
How was music used in the film? Did it contribute to the atmosphere and tension of the film? Or, was it poorly used, miscued, or disruptive to the viewing experience?
WTF Moment
What are the scenes in the film that just leave us scratching our heads.
Back It Up Moments
These are the moments that stuck with us. The things that we were still thinking about after our viewing; those moments that are worth a second, or third look.
Hiding in the Shadows
Sometimes there are things we want to discuss that just don’t have a place in our categories. Here we catch all of those “other” things to say about the film.
Bonus Features
As we watch the films, we also do some research to add to the experience of watching the film. These are the things that we found that add colour to the story of the film.
Watchability Scale
We rank each film on a scale of 10. 10 meaning that you should definitely take the time to watch the film. A score of one meaning that you should avoid the film at all costs.